Friday, December 14, 2012

Basic Information about Snakes part 1

 This post will be about the basic information about snakes.

Snakes are in a class of reptiles. This doesn't mean they're the only reptiles in the world. Other species that are also reptiles would be the crocodiles, lizards, turtles, and there are others but this blog is about snakes.
They are a cold blooded species. This means they will go outside in the sun to warm up or go to a shade to cool down. There is a link on the bottom if you don't know what cold-blooded means. Snakes can't live in a climate that has frozen ground all year round.

Cool Facts:

  • Snakes that live in cold climates have to look for a place to hibernate through the winter, until the weather gets warm enough for them.
  • There are over 2,900 species of snakes!
  • Snakes have bones. They have over 200-400 vertebrates! 
Blue Coral Snake:

I will write more basic information on my upcoming posts

This Link is a site that tells you  information about snakes. It is a neat site to go to if you want to learn about snakes by yourself.
What does Cold-blooded mean?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Anaconda

Facts about the Anaconda:
Kingdom: Anamilia
Family: Biodae
Species: Four
Genus: Eunectes
Length: Up to 29 feet
Weight: Up to 550 pounds
Diet: Carnivorous
Natural Habitat: Amazon jungle
Average age: 10 years
Age of Maturity: Male:18 months  Female:3 years
Gestation Period: 6-7 months
Number of eggs: They don't lay their eggs. Their young are born alive.

Where would you find them?
You would find them in the amazon jungle and other jungles in South America.

How do they eat?
They are Constrictors so they eat their prey by squeezing them to death. Then after that they eat them whole.

What do they eat?
Their diet depends on their size. The larger the snake the bigger the diet.

Are they dangerous?
Since anacondas are carnivorous animals, so yes they are dangerous. They can eat caiman, jaguars, deer, dogs, birds, sometimes fish. They also have 100 rear-facing sharp teeth that hold the prey while it is suffocating it with its constriction.

Are they venomous?
No they are not Venomous. They are part of a variety of snakes that squeeze(constrict) their prey to death.

Can they be a pet?
They can be pets but, it would be very challenging to keep them as a pet. When they grow they would grow very big and probably not as friendly cause of their size. They would also need a large room for their size. If you are wondering about keeping a pet snake choose a little less smaller one like the Boa constrictor or the Burmese python. They grow to and impressive size but not as big.

Cool Facts:
  • They are the largest snake in the world, their size is relative to a bus!
  • the Females are slightly larger than the males.
  • They can hold their breath underwater for over 15 minutes!
  • The females are called "Neonates" and give birth to their young alive.
  • Anacondas don't lay eggs.

Information URL:
Anaconda information
National Geographic link
Anaconda egg information
Are anacondas venomous?
Detailed Information

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Python

Where do Pythons live?
They live near the equator, in Asia and Africa, where it is hot and wet so their bodies can stay warm. Their homes are usually in caves or trees. These snakes are also used to living in cities and towns since we are populating around the world.

How do they eat?
Pythons are constrictors. Which means they squeeze the life out of their prey. They make a coil around its prey, and every breathe it takes the python squeezes tighter until they stop breathing completely. Once their heart stops they start to swallow their prey whole. The entire animal is digested except for fur and feathers. What happens to the things they cant digest? It gets turned into snake poop.

They can also "hunt" livestock (pigs,goats,chicken,dogs,cats) ,If they are threatened they may attack people but this rarely happens though. Along with farm animals, pythons will feed on wild animals such as lizards, monkeys, antelopes. The larger the meal the longer it takes to digest.

Facts about the Python:
Kingdom: Anamila
Family: Pythoniade
Species: Seven
Genus: Python
Length: 0.5-10 feet
Weight: Up to 40 Kg
Diet: Carnivorous
Natural Habitat: Africa, Asia
Average age: 20-30 years
Age of Maturity: 2-8 years
Gestation Period: 3-4 months
Number of eggs: 15 to 100 eggs (Depending upon species)

Cool Facts:
  • The Python is one of the largest snake in the world, the other being the anaconda.
  • The largest known snake is the Reticulated Python, reaching a length of 30 feet!
  • The Green Tree Python is can be 7 feet in length and lives in trees of the high forest branches. It waits for its prey and strikes at birds that fly by.
  • The color of the python depends on the region its in.
  • Pythons are ambush predators and like to attack prey with surprises.
  • Pythons can eat 4-5 times a year!
  • Some species of the python family are very good swimmers.
  • One of the main reasons for killing a python is to obtain its skin, which is put to use in making clothing's.
  • The larger the meal, the longer a python takes to digest. It takes weeks sometimes months for a python to digest the ingested animal.

This is a image of the Green Tree Python:

If you are interested in seeing a python eat a rabbit watch the video link. (Viewer discretion is advised) This is a Burmese python diegesting a rabbit. Click the link below.

Information URL:
Python Information
Image URL:
Video URL: