Friday, December 14, 2012

Basic Information about Snakes part 1

 This post will be about the basic information about snakes.

Snakes are in a class of reptiles. This doesn't mean they're the only reptiles in the world. Other species that are also reptiles would be the crocodiles, lizards, turtles, and there are others but this blog is about snakes.
They are a cold blooded species. This means they will go outside in the sun to warm up or go to a shade to cool down. There is a link on the bottom if you don't know what cold-blooded means. Snakes can't live in a climate that has frozen ground all year round.

Cool Facts:

  • Snakes that live in cold climates have to look for a place to hibernate through the winter, until the weather gets warm enough for them.
  • There are over 2,900 species of snakes!
  • Snakes have bones. They have over 200-400 vertebrates! 
Blue Coral Snake:

I will write more basic information on my upcoming posts

This Link is a site that tells you  information about snakes. It is a neat site to go to if you want to learn about snakes by yourself.
What does Cold-blooded mean?